Is it okay to masturbate?

Most of us have got over the myths that masturbation makes you blind and causes hair to grow on the palms of your hands!  While some people are still uncomfortable with the idea of pleasuring themelves sexually,  95% of men and 75% of women are thought to masturbate. As with any sexual practice (in fact with behaviour of any kind) we can use it positively or abuse it.

Masturbation is a good way to meet your own sexual needs when you do not have a partner, when your partner doesn't feel like sex or when you simply feel like being sexual with and for yourself.

The times when masturbation may be destructive include:

  1. When it is excessive - eg masturbating several times a day, every day may suggest that you are abusing your sexuality, using sex to meet or try to avoid other needs.
  2. When you repeatedly ignore your partner's sexual needs and masturbate instead.
  3. If you have become ‘addicted' to masturbating to pornography.
  4. When you use it to avoid intimacy.
  5. If your body becomes accustomed to your masturbation technique and can no longer repsond or reach orgasm with your partner's touch. In any of these circumstances sex therapy can help you to identify the causes of this behaviour and resolve them.

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